Bhashankurah (भाषाङ्कुरः) - Nurturing Sanskrit Learning - 64 Lessons, 500+ Illustrations, Sanskrit Examples & Exercises by Kulkarni Rohan achyut
Bhashankurah (भाषाङ्कुरः) - Nurturing Sanskrit Learning - 64 Lessons, 500+ Illustrations, Sanskrit Examples & Exercises by Kulkarni Rohan achyut
is written by Kulkarni Rohan achyut is published by Sanskrit Seva Foudation with isbn no 9788196690335
It is an introductory book on Sanskrit (Panini) grammar, written by Rohan Achyut Kulkarni. Consisting of 64 lessons, it covers topics such as सन्धि, कारक, उपपदविभक्ति, compounds, technical subjects and more. Each lesson contains examples and exercises selected from अष्टाध्यायी and Sanskrit literature. Containing over 500 illustrations to imprint the concepts in the learner’s mind. This book is blessed by revered spiritual personalities and comments of erudite scholars. School students and interested learners will greatly benefit from ' भाषाङ्कुर: '.
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